Idee pank | Idea bank

Alati ei ole iga idee realiseerimiseks endal ressurssi või vastupidi, on aega ja tahtmist, aga pole head mõtet, mida teha.

Selleks, oleme loonud haridusinnovatsiooni ideede panga, et saaksime kõik head ideed ja potentsiaalsed elluviiad kokku tuua.

Lisa kõik ägedad haridusinnovatsiooni mõtted järgnevatesse kommentaaridesse, kirjeldades nii probleemi, kui ka võimalikku lahendust. Teiste headele mõtetele jäta südamekesi, või arenda mõtteid edasi vastates teiste mõtetele.

Sometimes one does not have the time or the resources to realize their ideas or there is time and willingness, but lack ideas on what to do.

Thus, we have created an education innovation idea bank, to bring together all great ideas and potential realizes of these ideas.

Add all your education innovation ideas into the comments of this post by describing both the problem and potential solutions. Leave hearts to others’ great ideas or develop them further by replying to their comments.

Märt Aro

Märt is serving as Chairman of the Board at NGO Nordic EdTech Forum - N8 that brings together 180 founders of education innovation initiatives from eight Northern European countries with the aim of sharing experience and fostering cooperation.

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