As an umbrella organization for the edtech community, EdTech Estonia is eager to cooperate with national and international partners to support community growth, enhance networking, enable research based development activities and further export ambitions. Below are some of our current projects but we would love to hear from you with any ideas on cooperation, simply email us at hello@edtechestonia.ee
Development Advisor financing / Arendusnõunike toetus
By involving a development advisor in the umbrella organisation, we contribute to the growth of research and development activities and innovation capacity of companies in the educational technology sector, and thus to Estonia's economic growth. The project's activities are aimed at promoting technological development in education in cooperation with researchers in order to improve the quality of edtech services and solutions and compliance with educational trends and technological development. This increases the sector's competitiveness and sustainability, while responding to the changing needs of all actors in the education realm.
Within this project, EdTech Estonia acts as a partner of Enterprise Estonia through the program „Ettevõtjate TAI teadlikkuse kasvatamine (TAI võimalused) ja TAI võimekuse tõstmine“.
This project is co-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),
Timeframe: 01.10.2023-30.09.2025
Project budget:
Entire budget: 73857,60 EUR of which
Project financing: 55 393,20 (75%)
Self financing: 18464,40 (25%)
Contact: Sabina Sägi, Head of Research Cooperation, sabina@edtechestonia.ee
The Academy4Business project brought together higher education institutions and business entities from Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Spain to collaboratively design and implement an interdisciplinary, cross-border, and intersectoral course. The course aimed to foster a business mindset and scientific approach within the field of educational technologies.
This capacity-building initiative successfully bridged the academic and business sectors through reciprocal knowledge exchange and support for future entrepreneurs. The project’s primary outcome was a hybrid course designed to promote entrepreneurial and scientific thinking among future entrepreneurs and knowledge workers in EdTech.
The course included various innovative digital resources developed for a broad audience. Ultimately, the project enhanced the quality and relevance of entrepreneurship-related teaching activities at the partner universities, leaving a lasting impact in the field of educational technologies.
This project (reference no. 2022-2-EE01-KA220-HED-000100644, Erasmus KA2) has been funded with support from the European Commission. Disclaimer: This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project channels
Project dates
Project start: 01-01-2023
Project end: 01-01-2025
Duration: 24 months
Online Learning Opportunities
On-site Learning Opportunities
Mentoring and implementation support
University Blended course
Tallinn University / Estonia
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava / Czhec Republic
TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme / Spain
University of Bielsko-Biala / Poland
Lurtis Rules / Spain
Digiskills / Czhec Republic
EdTech Estonia / Estonia
Tallinn City Enterprise Centre / Estonia
Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Bielsku-Białej / Poland
Project Manager
Liis Siiroja
Sabina Sägi (until Oct. 2024)
In addition, EdTech Estonia is a partner in 3 cooperation projects, enabling our members to take part in joint events, both in-person and online to widen their connections with universities, edtechs and schools in Europe and beyond.
EdTech Talents (Horizon), 01.06.2023-01.06.2027
Beaucoup (Capacity Building), 01.01.2024-01.01.2027
Estonian-Ukrainian EdTech Capacity Building (EstDev), 01.06.2023-31.12.2024