
As an umbrella organization for the edtech community, EdTech Estonia doesn’t only work with individual companies but we try to understand, support and plan for the future of the edtech ecosystem as a whole. Below you can read about our strategy, memorandum of understanding with representatives from the government, a study on the use of Estonian edtech services, as well as a handy video about us and our members.

EdTech Estonia Strategy 2023-2027

Have a read (in Estonian)

2 pager (in English)

Memorandum of understanding

between EdTech Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications / Vastastikuse mõistmise ja koostöö memorandum, osapooled EdTech Estonia, Eesti Vabariigi Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium ning Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium

Have a read (in Estonian)

Study on the use of Estonian edtech services / Uuring: Eesti edtech teenuste kasutamine

Conducted by: University of Tartu Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS), on behalf of Edtech Estonia

Läbiviija: EdTech Estonia tellimusel Tartu Ülikooli Sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus (RAKE)

Have a read (in Estonian)

Video on EdTech Estonia and our members

In Estonian and in English.