10 things to keep in mind when starting to build an EdTech startup
Märt Aro Märt Aro

10 things to keep in mind when starting to build an EdTech startup

There are thousands of challenges in education that can be solved with the help of technology. You might have an excellent idea on how to solve one or more of those challenges. To support you, here is some of the most common advice experienced founders find themselves giving to new founders.

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Robootika ja juriidilised väljakutsed - muljed koosloome programmist 2022
Sabina Sägi Sabina Sägi

Robootika ja juriidilised väljakutsed - muljed koosloome programmist 2022

Juba kolmandat aastat toimunud haridustehnoloogia koosloome programm jõudis hiljuti finišisse. EdTech Estonia ning Tallinna Ülikooli poolt juhitud programmi siht on aidata tagada ning kiirendada järelkasvu hariduse innovatsiooni vallas. Selle raames viime kokku haridusasutused, ettevõtted, õpetajad ning teadlasi, et luua uudseid haridusalaseid rakendusi.

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EdTech Hack 2021 osaleja kogemus: 4 küsimust Mart Vainule
EdTech Estonia EdTech Estonia

EdTech Hack 2021 osaleja kogemus: 4 küsimust Mart Vainule

Mart Vainu on rahatarkuse õpetaja ja ettevõtja, kelle asutatud finantskirjaoskuse e-kursus jõudnud rohkem kui 60 kooli ja 2000 õpilaseni. 2021. aastal osales ta Cashy noorte rahamängu ideega EdTech Hack programmis, investeeris auhinnaraha esimese prototüübi tegemisse ja on tänaseks jõudnud oma startupiga välisturgudele ning investoritelt raha kaasamiseni.

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Hariduse innovatsiooni talgudel häkiti kokku 8686 tundi
EdTech Estonia EdTech Estonia

Hariduse innovatsiooni talgudel häkiti kokku 8686 tundi

15.-17 oktoobrini toimus EdTech Estonia eestvedamisel seni kõige laiahaardelisem häkaton, mille eesmärk oli innustada potentsiaalseid tuleviku hariduse kujundajaid lennukalt mõtlema ja hariduse arendamise valdkonnas iduettevõtlust edendada.

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Startupper’s perspective: 4 questions to Maria Rahamägi
EdTech Estonia EdTech Estonia

Startupper’s perspective: 4 questions to Maria Rahamägi

Maria Rahamägi is an entrepreneur and an educational technology activist. She is the founder of Edumus, a program designed to bring different professionals and schools together all in order to create better and more unique learning processes. She is also part of EdTech Estonia and head of its hackathon.

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Investor’s perspective: 4 questions to Yrjö Ojasaar
EdTech Estonia EdTech Estonia

Investor’s perspective: 4 questions to Yrjö Ojasaar

Yrjö Ojasaar is a tech-startup CEO, angel investor, venture advisor, public speaker and the list might as well go on. We managed to get a hold of him for a second and ask a few questions to help our education hackers along their way of building the best possible solutions to help us teach and learn in a more effective way.

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Advisor’s perspective: 4 questions to Jaanika Merilo
EdTech Estonia EdTech Estonia

Advisor’s perspective: 4 questions to Jaanika Merilo

Jaanika Merilo is one with many superpowers. She consults governments and companies about digital innovation, leads a YouTube channel about the startup scene in her beloved Ukraine, invests in promising startups and next to all that she has found time to mentor our hack. Here are four questions we were dying to ask her and four answers you don’t want to miss out on.

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